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Meet The Team

Grace Aun


Grace Aun is the Founder of Plurry, and a sophomore at New Explorations into Science, Technology, and Math. She initially came up with the concept behind Plurry because of her interest in writing and helping her peers edit their work. Throughout her middle school years, she regularly wrote on a blog, which focused on her thoughts, ideas, and daily life. Since then, she has continued to write fictional stories and create new worlds, hoping to inspire her readers and invoke different perspectives on themes imbedded in her writing. She has received a Honorable Mention award in the 2021 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. While she has a strong interest in writing and has considered that career route, she also has an immense passion for science and has received multiple awards in Science Olympiad. She hopes to combine her loves in writing and science, and possibly become a research scientist in the future.

Merry Li


Merry Li is the Co-Founder of Plurry, and  a sophomore at the Brooklyn Latin School. Merry has always had a passion for writing, and enjoys writing poems. She often edits and proofreads her friends' essays. Aside from that, Merry has pursued her interest in law by joining the Brooklyn Latin Mock Trial team, with the accomplishment of being the only freshmen attorney on her team out of about 30 students. She competed in the 2020 New York State High School Mock Trial Tournament and won the first competition; unfortunately it was cut short due to COVID-19. She will continue her work in the team and participate in future competitions, on her path of becoming a criminal lawyer. Merry also started a Discord server for her school, designed to be a "one stop location" for students who have questions about assignments, and for peer tutoring to take place. The student senate continued work on this project, with the help of Merry who is a moderator.

Kathryn Lee


Kathryn Lee is an Editor at Plurry, and a high school sophomore. She enjoys helping her classmates edit their work (both academic and creative writing) and provides them with helpful feedback. Kathryn also enjoys doodling in her spare time, drawing inspiration from the people she knows.

Meet the Team: Meet the Team
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